Safety Engineering is very vast subject. It's not possible to study everything but Questions from following topics have been repeatedly asked in various examinations. So even if you have abundance of time, prioritize following topics. 1. Definition and types of Accidents, Hazard, Risk, Incidents. 2. Colours for various Hazards. 3. Classification of Fire and methods to extenguish it. 4. Personal Protective Equipments. 5. OSHA safety Standards. If you wanna know anything more comment below.
Though the Non-Technical part in Vizag Steel Exam is very important but you can't ignore Technical part. You have to score around 60 -70% in this section to for selection. As far as Mechanical Engineering is concerned you can prioritize your subjects according to time. 1. Design It comprises of around 30% of questions. In SOM mostly questions will be from Beam, stress basics, spring. In TOM DOF, Gears and flywheel. If you have not studied gyroscope, balancing, governor than don't study at last moments, leave them. In MD failure equations, various lines, bearing basic. 2. Thermal It would comprise of 30% questions. Thermo and HMT basic questions should be the priority. In FM and FMC focus should be on viscosity, Bernoulli, Flow losses etc. In FMC, specific speed, discharge and classification are most important. 3. Production, Industrial, and MS It would comprise of 30% questions. The focus should be on casting, machining, sequencing, and BEP. 4.